Our teeth get stained from everyday food and drink. Particularly tea, coffee, red wine, curries and foods with edible food colourants and dyes. Smoking is also a serious cause of stained teeth.

Brushing twice a day and having oral hygiene dental checks every 6 months might not be enough to give you that sparkly white smile.

CBD Dental in Wollongong offer two very effective teeth whitening options:

Our Take-Home Kit treatment involves 2 appointments. After your initial teeth whitening consultation, an impression is made of your teeth to make custom fitted trays. A particular bleaching agent concentration is then formulated to offer you the best possible overnight results in your own home.

Alternatively, you can let us do all of the work for you with our In-house Teeth Bleaching treatment with our dentist in Wollongong which provides up to 3 shades whiter teeth in an hour.

Contact our local dental team now on (02) 4225 0505 to discuss which option would best would suit you.